Camping is one of my family’s favorite outdoor activities. Why do you think we’re the Five Happy Campers? An important part of camping is knowing how to be a responsible camper. Having lived outside of D.C. in Northern Virginia...
Hiking with Kids to McAfee Knob

McAfee Knob, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwestern Virginia, is easily my favorite hike in Virginia. More pictures are taken at McAfee Knob than any other spot along the Appalachian Trail. This is why it’s a popular hiking...
Camping at Assateague Island National Seashore

Camping at Assateague Island National Seashore should be on your camping bucket list. After a recent trip, it has become one of our favorite places to go camping. I was nervous because Kris isn’t a big fan of the...
Start Booking Next Year’s Camping Reservations Now

If you’re like me you’ve already starting thinking about next year’s vacations. It’s not that I can’t enjoy the present. Trust me, I don’t want my girls to grow up any faster. It’s that long gone are the days...